1.遵守交通法规,注意交通安全。 2.禁止使用无牌照摩托车等机动车,禁止无照驾驶和酒后驾驶。 3.在校区道路上要文明骑车,不相互追逐。 4.穿越周边马路要走人行横道线,不闯红灯,不骑车逆向行驶。
1. Following traffic rules. 2. DO NOT useunlicensed motorcycles or automobiles of any kind. Drunk driving and drivingwithout a driver license are strictly prohibited. 3. DO NOT chaseone another while riding a bicycle on campus. 4. DO NOT cross thestreet in red light or outside the pedestrian line. Do not ride againsttraffic.