课程类别 Course Type | 课程编号 Course Code | 课程名称 Course Name | 学时 Hours | 学分 Credits | 开课学期 Semester | 考核方式 Assessment Method | 备注 Remark |
学位课 Degree Course | MW011004 | 中级汉语 Intermediate Chinese Language | 96 | 6 | 秋季 Autumn | 考试 Test | 不少 于17 学分 At Least 17 Credits |
MW011003 | 中国概况 A Survey of China | 64 | 4 | 春季 Spring | 考试 Test |
| HSK五级考试 HSK 5 Test | 0 | 0 | 在读期间 During the School Year | |
M081031 | 算法设计与分析 The Design and Analysis of Algorithm | 32 | 2 | 秋季 Autumn | 考试 Test |
M101020 | 数值分析 Numerical Analysis | 32 | 2 | 秋季 Autumn | 考试 Test |
M101023 | 数理统计 Mathematical Statistics | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考试 Test |
M101033 | 矩阵理论 Matrix Theory | 48 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考试 |
M082041 | 专业技术概论 Introduction to Professional Technology | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考试 Test |
非学位课 Non- degree Course | M012052 | 自然辩证法概论 Dialectics of Nature | 16 | 1 | 春季 Spring | 考试 Test | 不少 于10 学分 At Least10 Credits |
M152001 | 信息检索 Information retrieval | 16 | 1 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083064 | 专业英语 Specialized English | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M081010 | 计算机系统结构 Computer Architecture | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M082032 | 云计算理论与技术 Cloud Computing Theory and Technology | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M082013 | 软件质量保证与测试 Software Quality Assurance and Testing | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083060 | Python程序设计 Programing in Python | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083064 | 专业英语 Professional English | 32 | 2 | 秋季 Autumn | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M082028 | 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence | 32 | 2 | 秋季 Autumn | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083033 | 嵌入式系统 Embedded Systems | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083056 | 数据科学与数据处理 Data Science and Data Processing | 32 | 2 | 秋季 Autumn | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083059 | 形式化方法 Formal methods | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
M083066 | 软件项目管理 Software Project Management | 32 | 2 | 春季 Spring | 考查 Comprehensive Assessment |
必修环节 Compulsory Sections | M005011 | 论文开题 Research Proposal | | 1 | 第3学期 3rd Semester | | 5学分 5 Credits |
M005005 | 参加学术讲座、专题报告等学术活动(不少于8次) AttendingAcademic Lectures (At Least 8 times) | | 1 | 在读期间 During the School Year | |
M005009 | 实践活动 Practices | | 1 | 第3学期开始 From the 3rd Semester | |
M005013 | 跨文化交流和文化体验 Cross-cultural Communication and Cultural Experiences | | 2 | 在读期间 During the School Year | |
M005004 | 论文答辩 ThesisDefense | | 0 | | |
补修课程 Supplemental Courses | 数据结构 Data Structure | | | 秋季 Autumn | | 不计入总学分 Not Included in the Graduation Credits |
总要求 Graduation Requirements | 总学分32-36 Graduation Credits:32-36 |